April 20, 2010

Mexico Houses Pictures

GUANAJUATO, Mexico — Houses painted hot pink, bright orange and cobalt blue tucked into cobbled alleyways too narrow for cars. . Sidewalk cafes, shady plazas and strolling street musicians.

Spain, Italy, France? It would be easy to mistake this university town in the mountains of Central Mexico for a medieval city in Europe. Substitute the easy-on-the-wallet peso for the pricey euro, and nearly year-round springlike weather and you’ve got a bargain travel destination where the U.S. dollar still buys more.

This isn’t beach-and-margaritas Mexico. The ocean’s an eight-hour drive away. There are tourists here, but, unlike nearby San Miguel de Allende, a town popular with ex-pat Americans, Guanajuato attracts mostly middle-class Mexican travelers who come to enjoy the mountain air, browse the museums and art galleries, and get lost exploring a maze of pedestrian passageways mostly devoid of cars.

Guanajuato, part of what’s called the Bajío, or heartland of Mexico, is in the high desert mountains (6,700 feet), 225 miles northwest of Mexico City. Daytime temps are in the high 70s with lots of sun. I’ve packed a sweater and vest for evenings when it dips into the 50s.
Mexico houses
mexico houses
mexico houses
mexico houses

mexico houses

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